Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Where acts of "religious freedom" gay and lesbian references?

Poor Mike Pence. The Governor of Indiana, with a view to a long-shot presidential candidacy probably not wait until the hot mess started in the version with the signing of the State Law on Religious Freedom Restoration or federal and RFRA. And it showed.

In "This Week" on ABC Pence was George Stephanopoulos law from the grill. "Yes or no question, Governor," Stephanopoulos pressed. "Do you think it should be legal in the state of Indiana to eliminate discrimination against gays and lesbians that?"

Usually brilliant mind was excited pence. "George, you're - you follow the mantra of the past week online [media coverage] And try to make this problem differently .."

Oh well. But Pence really no excuse for not being prepared. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has gone through a similar uproar last year and decided to get on the fucking wrath of the elite audience. In both countries, the national media and most of the Democratic Party have insisted that RFRA laws are "anti-gay", but no mention of sexual orientation.

The Federal RFRA was not released in 1993 in response to a Supreme Court decision that had the Indians of the drug laws prohibiting the use of peyote, also conducted for religious ceremonies.

In response, Congress passed a law that says that the government could not put a burden on the religious practices without compelling state interest. If someone feels violated their religious rights, they can go to court and presentations. But there is no general exception for religions. If a synagogue went because I free to be, for example, local fire regulations, is almost certain to lose. If sued because of the ban on wearing the ceremonial wine, probably win.

The original RFRA was a good and just law that had absolutely nothing to do with gays. It was introduced in the House of the former Republic. - Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) - Now the next leader of the minority in the Senate would be. It was adopted by a vote of the votes in the House and in the Senate 97-3. President Clinton signed the bill without controversy.

In 1997, the high court weighed again judged that RFRA too broad and could apply to the States. Therefore, the various state governments have their own versions. Twenty states have close to the same version as the federal government and a dozen other similar rules in their constitutions. These statements include homophobic households Connecticut, Massachusetts and Illinois, where, as a state senator, Obama voted for the bill.

"This huge freak-out gay is purely theoretical," says writer Gabriel Malor law (which is gay). "No RFRA never been used successfully to defend discrimination against homosexuals, not in 20 years RFRAs country."

These facts are not performed at the White House to promote the auto de fe of the pence and the state of Indiana. Spokesman Josh Earnest said Pence on "This Week": "If it seems such a law in Indiana, to legitimize discrimination, it is important for everyone to stand up and speak," he added. "If you have back two decades to justify something done today, a few questions about what you do "is a strange argument people like to increase compare Obama's initiatives. New Deal

This is especially ironic since the opponents of the RFRA Indiana casually equate to Jim Crow. It was bad codes to refuse to businesses and religious institutions, including those who do not want to make a difference, same service forced to blacks. A closer but far from perfect, along with Jim Crow would the efforts of the Obama administration to force religious Hobby Lobby and pay for contraceptive coverage or drugs, which some believe that the cause of abortion in spite of RFRA be.

Indiana RFRA is indeed a little different - it would be a hypothetical, photographers or florists for cutting 1 day if refused to take part in a ceremony of marriage between same-sex Baker sued obvious. These exceptions, if successful, in the worst case would lean consolation prize opponents of marriage between same sex, the amount already lost the battle.

Pence would of done a favor if he honestly that promotes this type of housing, as most Americans favor.


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